2015 Formula Classic Round 6

VSCC Coalfields 500 Race Meeting – 12th-13th September 2015 A great race weekend away from Perth as usual. Results Round 6 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Bruce Edgar, 2nd Bruce Mitchell, 3rd Michael Henderson. VSSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Neil McCrudden
See NATSOFT for full results

2015 Formula Classic Round 5 Results

SETS Spring Race Meeting – 23rd August 2015 A great day with some fast times for most of the cars. Simon Barrett’s Ralt unfortunately had issues in race 1 leaving Michael to run the day out front by himself, second place all day was contested between Lance Carwardine and Glenn Caple. Sadly, at the end of this meeting, Henry Oosterbaan hung up his helmet (as far as racing goes) for a while so we won’t hear the six cylinder Holden motor outside of regularities. Allan Ould has sorted out the Aztec with it’s fastest time since it’s return to the racing scene at 67.9667. It was disappointing to see John Rowe excluded from the event due to the 130% rule, hopefully we can sort this out so we get to see more of his beautiful Cooper on the track. Results Round 5 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Lance Carwardine, 2nd Glenn Swarbrick, 3rd Henry Oosterbaan. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Glenn Caple
See NATSOFT for full results

2015 Formula Classic Round 4 Results

Mid Year Race Meeting & Torque Trophy – 25th July 2015 Results Round 4 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Andrew Nielson, 2nd Brian Searles, 3rd Colin McKee. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Martin Bullock
See NATSOFT for full results

2015 Formula Classic Round 3 Results

WASCC 2015 State Championships – 28th June 2015 Results Round 3 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: Equal 1st Bruce Edgar &  John Harwood, 3rd Colin McKee. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Colin McKee
See NATSOFT for full results

2015 Formula Classic Round 2 Results

Autumn Classic – 11th April 2015 Our first event at Barbagallo for 2015. Autumn Classic try winter – Rain Rain Rain and then it got WET! Good to see Murray Charnley back in action in the Lotus 23 and Glenn Swarbrick achieving 3rd outright, showing narrow tyres are a great advantage in the wet. Results Round 2 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Murray Charnley, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Glenn Swarbrick. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Glenn Swarbrick
See NATSOFT for full results

2015 Formula Classic Round 1 Results

Collie Icebreaker – 21st/22nd February 2015 Our first event for the year was held at the Collie circuit with eight Formula Classic cars and then grid numbers being made up with Formula Fords (thank you). A great day for Michael Henderson who continuously broke the lap record with each race, setting a new best time for the track of 45.9222 seconds. And congratulations to Mike Connell for taking out the regularity event. Results Round 1 Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Glenn Swarbrick & 3rd Andrew Nielson. VSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Hendrson, 2nd Peter Major (FF), 3rd Dicka Tayla (FF)
  • Regularity (JKLMOPQR): 1st Mike Connell, 2nd Craig Bradtke, 3rd David Richards
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Final Results

Congratulations to the 2014 winners of the Formula Classic Handicap Championship. It looks like the three of them took out all of the competitions, rightly so as Brian and Lance were the only drivers to competed in every round and Michael was in all but one and that was due to a mechanical breakdown. A big thank you to Dick Ward for presenting the group with a fantastic perpetual trophy which will have Brian’s name engraved upon it as the first winner. 2014 Formula Classic Handicap Championship
  • 1st Brian Searles
  • 2nd Lance Carwardine
  • 3rd Michael Henderson

Full results sheet can be viewed here

2014 WASCC Formula Classic Championship
  • 1st Michael Henderson
  • 2nd Brian Searles
  • 3rd Lance Carwardine
2014 CAMS Formula Classic State Championship
  • 1st Michael Henderson
  • 2nd Lance Carwardine
  • 3rd Brian Searles

Brian-Sonny-RT1Brian Searles along side his Ralt RT1 with Sonny Raja trying it on for size

2014 Formula Classic Round 7 Results

Shannon’s WA All Historic – 25th-26th October 2014 Well what a fantastic event. A big thank you to everyone for making a huge effort to get 45 entries in (enough for three fields of cars), including all of our international and eastern states visitors who left with very fond memories of this event, the competitors in it and the WA hospitality provided. The weekend saw some drivers and cars not seen on the track for quite a while plus a new addition, Andrew Nielson and his West, joined us for the first time. The racing in all three groups was very good with clusters of cars competing against each other throughout the fields, none more so than the lead group of four cars in the Formula Junior class, with a second covering them in all the races keeping the crowd and commentators very excited – and I am sure the drivers involved were as well. There was considerable activity in the infield garages with many a mechanic piecing back together cars that thought five races was a few too many. An unfortunate oil slick after Andrew Bryson’s new motor said “Enough” led to a massive off in the group1 race and also led to off’s in the group 2 race. The weather was very kind to us putting off any rain until after racing was finished for the day but by the end of it all I didn’t see any unhappy people, smiles were everywhere, so well done all on supporting a great event. A special thanks to Martin Bullock (Densford Civil) for digging deep and financially supporting the event and associated activities, also to Neil McCrudden and the WARM museum for not only accommodating some of our visitors but providing cars to anyone who needed one – there were 9 WARM cars running and 1 spare. A thank you to Brian & Anne Searle for also accommodating some visitors and putting on a function for them, to ICL (transport, containers, storage) for sponsoring and arranging the movement of the container for our New Zealand competitors and finally to the WASCC and staff behind the scenes who helped co-ordinate and put on this meeting. Results Round 7 Championship Standings
  • To be revealed at the end of year presentation – remember worst round is dropped
Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Henry Oosterbaan, 2nd John Rowe & 3rd Alan Ould VSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic Group 1 : 1st Harvey Leys, 2nd Ray Stubber & 3rd Peter Bowel (NZ/Qld)
  • Formula Classic Group 2 : 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Shane Gifford & 3rd Glen Caple
  • Formula Junior: 1st Noel Woodford (NZ), 2nd Ray Stubber & 3rd Bill Hemming (Vic)
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 6 Results

Spices Cup – 21st September 2014 Once again very low entry numbers for what was a very wet meeting, thanks to those who took the effort to enter. Lance Barrett proved to be a sly old fox positioning his much slower car well up in the points in each race earning him 3rd spot outright (and on handicap) for the day. Results Round 6 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Neil McCrudden & 3rd Lance Barrett VSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine & 3rd Lance Barrett
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 5 Results

2014 VSCC Coalfields 500 – 13th-14th September 2014 Although entries were down the VSCC agreed to let our class run at the event which was thoroughly enjoyed by those who entered. Results Round 5 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Shane Gifford & 3rd Brian Searles VSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Shane Gifford &  3rd Lance Carwardine
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 4 Results

Spring Race Meeting – 10th August 2014 13 Cars for race one with Michael Henderson in the Ralt getting a different view of the grid, by starting from the rear following starter motor issues in qualifying. Michael’s ails didn’t end there, however, as after making his way to the lead loose wiring caused him to DNF on the first lap resulting in a safety car for a couple of laps. The door was now open to the others to grab outright points and Shane Gifford took the win with a very respectable 58.85 second lap from Leon Magistro and Lance Carwardine 3rd. Martin Bullock finished 2nd on the track but suffered a 60 sec penalty after creeping forward at the start. Race two saw Michael winning from the rear of the grid from a quick Shane Gifford and Martin Bullock, also starting from the rear. Leon Magistro’s drive shaft failed on his Ralt on lap 6 taking him out of the days competition. With Martin Bullock pulling out with oil pressure issues and Leon’s driveshaft failure only 11 starters where left for race three. David Watkins had clutch failure during the race causing him to retire after some dices with Neil McCrudden in the earlier events. The safety car interrupted the event again closing the field up, this lead to some close racing mid-field between Brian Seales, Harvey Leys, Glen Swarbrick and Colin McKee. Michael Henderson finished out front from Shane Gifford and Lance Carwardine. The two safety cars during the day played into the hands of the slower cars for handicap points with both Bruce Edgar in his Elfin Formula Junior, Glen Swarbrick in the WARM Macon and Jim Ridgewell in the Van Diemen picking up valuable points in the series. Lance Carwardine however did enough to extend his lead at the head of the championship. It was good to have Andrew Gifford able to attend the meeting, even if only as an observer, hopefully looking forward to getting back in the seat to better his brother’s time soon. Thanks to Michael for enabling the inaugural Formula Classic Creche after his corporate box was filled will children from within the group.   Results Round 4 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Bruce Edgar, 2nd Glen Swarbrick & 3rd Jim Ridgewell WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Shane Gifford, 2nd Lance Carwardine & 3rd Michael Henderson
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 3 Results

96fm Keeping Real Music Alive – 12th July 2014 The day started with only 12 cars including John Rowe in his lovely Cooper T45. Issues in qualifying with a few of cars saw numbers drop to race 1 leaving only 9 starters. A loose spark plug saw the end of Simon Barrett’s day and a coming together between Michael Henderson and Henry Oosterbaan on lap 5 saw them out of race 1 as well. Lance Carwardine led Neil McCrudden home to the flag. Fuel issues for Glenn Swarbrick in race 2 saw another car out of the event with now only 6 finishers for that race. Lance wining from Neil again. Michael, with a lot of help from his crew, did manage to get back on the track by race 3. More fuel issues for Glenn left only 7 finishers, led by Michael Henderson from Lance in second. Results Round 3 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Brian Searles, 2nd Allan Ould & 3rd Harvey Leys WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Lance Carwardine, 2nd Neil McCrudden & 3rd Harvey Leys
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 2 Results

Autumn Classic – 27th April 2014 Our first event at Barbagallo for 2014. Unfortunately Neil McCrudden had a big off going into turn 7 during practice, hitting the wall and putting the Macon out of the days racing. Michael Henderson missed his first race for ages with gearbox issues and it showed with the new front row on the grid false starting, twice, in the first event until they and the new course starter got in sync. A couple of off’s in the first event by Kevin Taylor and Henry Oosterbaan, and some car issues for others saw only 9 runners finish of the 13 starters. The minute penalty applied to the first two cars saw Lance Carwardine win the race with a second going to a much improved Brian Searles in his Ralt RT1. After the first race events 2 & 3 were trouble free with great weather leading to very good times by most runners. Martin Bullock in his new Lotus 27 went within 0.04 seconds of breaking the Formula Junior track record – not too bad for his first race on this circuit in the car. Henry Oosterbaan showed the advantage gained by racing in Europe to finally break the 70 second mark with a 69.8 being his fastest ever at Wanneroo in the Alton AR2. Results Round 2 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Colin McKee, 2nd Martin Bullock/Shane Gifford. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Shane Gifford, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Brian Searles
See NATSOFT for full results

2014 Formula Classic Round 1 Results

Collie Icebreaker – 22nd February 2014 Our first event for the year was held at the Collie circuit where many a car, and driver, suffered from the summer heat. The relaxed weekend long event was, however, enjoyed by all the competitors with 100+ attending the race/regularity meeting. Saturday evening entertainment was enjoyed by many and much cooler after being moved out onto the grass area. Results Round 1 Championship Standings Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Michael Henderson, 2nd Lance Carwardine & 3rd Kevin Taylor/Neil McCrudden. VSCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Michael Hendrson, 2nd Lance Carwardine, 3rd Neil McCrudden
See NATSOFT for full results

2013 Formula Classic Round 7 Results

Twin Trophies Race Day – 3rd November 2013 Oil Oil Oil! This was our last round for the season and a good field of Formula Classic cars plus a a couple of HSC competitors took our grid to 19. Unfortunately I retired after qualifying with broken valve springs and so sat back to watch the unfolding events of race 1 when the fastest Radical of Richard Bloomfield broke an engine and dumped a considerable quantity of oil on the track causing a massive exodus of cars in all directions as drivers struggled for grip. Unfortunately the wall at turn 4 took it’s toll on a couple of cars and Ray Robertson’s launch into the infield saw the Befa take a lot of damage to it’s nose area. After a delayed finish to race 1 we only had 13 starters for race 2, 10 starting race 3 and only 7 finishing the day still running, not a good day for attrition! We now have all summer to rebuild for next year where we hope to get two runs at Collie plus 5-6 at Barbagallo. 36 different competitors in the competition this year plus a couple of new cars coming out after rebuilds is all positive for the 2014 season, hopefully we can get most of us to the track for all the events. A special congratulations goes to the only driver who competed in all 7 rounds this year – Glenn Swarbrick, although having a few issues with flywheels at this last event. Results Round 7 Championship Standings
  • Results for 2013 – To be released at the windup, a few anomalies have been found and corrected plus drivers worst round has been dropped
Congratulations to handicap winners on the day: 1st Matt Lyford, 2nd Darren Smith & 3rd Shane Gifford. WASCC Results:
  • Formula Classic: 1st Shane Gifford, 2nd Matt Lyford and 3rd Leon Magistro
See NATSOFT for full results