2019 Formula Classic Round 5

2019 Formula Classis – Round 5

WASCC June meeting – 23rd June

A very wet Barbagallo circuit welcomed the drivers to the June meeting. Wet weather tyres were the order of the day although occasionally the sun teased us only to rain again just before the Formula Classic events.

Unfortunately, again, only a small field of cars were entered for the June meeting, 10 to be precise. It was good to see one new driver join our ranks for the event, Glen Page, driving the Sutol 23 from Neil McCrudden’s  the WARM museum.

Simon Alderson was all dominant in the very wet qualifying session posting pole position by 5 seconds from the second placed car. The three races were closely contested by Simon and Michael Henderson with Hendo taking two wins to Simon’s one. Leone Magistro, Bob Creasy and Allan Ould were scraping over the minor placing, Leone ending up with the final trophy.

It’s good to report that despite only a small field of cars for this meeting all 10 entrants finished the last race.

The prize giving was a bit of as debacle as WASCC recorded the results for Formula Classic in two sections (Historic and Libra log booked cars) and failed to combine the results for the prize giving awarding on the Historic log booked cars only. This was subsequently addressed but at the time it was a little awkward and embarrassing.

Outright positions for the weekend were;

1st           Michael Henderson                       

2nd          Simon Alderson                                               

3rd           Leone Magistro                                               

Handicap results for the event were;

1st           Murray Charnley & Leon Majistro

3rd          Simon Alderson

The next round is at Barbagallo on 14th July.

2019 Formula Classic Round 4

2019 Formula Classis – Round 4

Collie Ernie Hastie Memorial meeting – 18th – 19th May

Spin, spin, spin, that was the order of the day for a couple of the Formula Classic entrants on the new long track at Collie. Craig Thompson almost making an art form of it with a first lap spin in each of the first three races. Brian Searles only managing two spins, one in the free practice on Friday and the second in qualifying on Saturday.

Despite this round being the inaugural meeting on the new long circuit Formula Classic only managed to attract 7 entrants. These were the ‘usual suspects’ however a couple of the drivers entered in different cars. Lance Carwardine had borrowed the ex Roland Ratzenberger Van Diemen Formula Ford from the WARM museum as his regular car is still undergoing repairs from last season’s accident at Barbagallo. Jamie Kerkhoff’s had recently acquired a Formula Toyota TRD but due to work commitments was unable to enter the meeting himself but kindly offered the seat to Brian Searles who’s regular car is undergoing a gearbox overhaul.

All the Formula Classic drivers enjoyed the challenge of the new track.

Michael Henderson ran away with the outright round results take all four race wins. Simon Alderson tried very hard to hang on to Michael but he was unable to match the Ralts pace, his only consolation being a very consistent second throughout the weekend.  Allan Ould, Craig and Lance enjoyed a great scrap all weekend for third place honours, Craig come out on top three times out of the four, however Allan made a great start in the final race and held third all the way to the checked flag.

Outright positions for the weekend were;

1st           Michael Henderson                       

2nd          Simon Alderson                                               

3rd           Craig Thompson                                              

Handicap results for the event were;

1st           Allan Ould

2nd          Michael Henderson

3rd           Simon Alderson & Lance Carwardine

The next round is at Barbagallo on 16th June.

2019 Formula Classic Round 3

2019 Formula Classic – Round 3

Barbagallo April Race meeting – 13th April

Only 11 Formula Classic cars were entered for the April race meeting, a somewhat disappointing number for the third round of the 2019 championship, however it was good to see two Sports 2000 cars from Rob Jordan’s collection join the Formula Classic group for this race meeting. Rob was driving his Tiga SC80 and David Turner in the Lola T492.  Rob ran reliably in the first two events but spun off on some oil during the third race. Dave, unfortunately struggle all day with the Lola only managing a couple of laps before retiring the car. Hopefully we’ll see more of them throughout the remainder of the season.

Michael Henderson continued his winning ways in his Ralt RT4 with Simon Alderson snapping at his heels in Race 1 but unable to keep up that pressure on Michael during the next two runs due to some clutch issues with his Van Diemen. “Hendo” did get his wrist slapped by the officials after race 2 for overtaking a backmarker under the yellow flag and he earned himself a 30 second time penalty for his trouble reducing him to second place in that race.

Harvey Leys brought out his big Chevron sports car and it ran strongly all day, Harvey cleaning up in the handicap results winning all three rounds.

Outright positions for the weekend were;

1st           Michael Henderson                       

2nd          Simon Alderson                                               

3rd           Andrew Nielson                                              

Handicap results for the event were;

1st           Harvey Leys

2nd          Murray Charnley, Simon Alderson, Craig Thompson & Michael Henderson

The next round is the Ernie Hastie Memorial at Collie over the weekend of 18th – 19th May, this event should be on the new long circuit so let’s see if we can put out a large group of cars to support this event and the Collie Motor Club.

2019 Formula Classic Round 2

2019 Formula Classic – Round 2

Collie Icebreaker – 30th / 31st March

The second round of the 2019 Formula Classic season was dominated by the Formula Ford 2000 cars taking out the top three spots in the Collie Icebreaker event. However, it wasn’t all their own way to start with Michael Henderson dominating the first two races on Saturday in his Ralt RT4 until a gearbox failure on Sunday took him out of the running.

Twelve cars entered the event but sadly only 9 cars took the start after early failures in qualifying for Marty Bullock’s Chevron, Ricky Virago’s Ralt and Lance Carwardine’s OMS.

 It was good to see the return of the Dave Watkins to the Formula Classic ranks reunited with his beautifully presented Royale RP31M and Colin McKee in his Reynard FF2000. Both drivers and cars performed well finishing 4th and 3rd respectively in the outright weekend results.

Outright results for the weekend were;

1st           Simon Alderson                                  90 pts

2nd          Craig Thompson                               76 pts

3rd           Colin McKee                                       70 pts

Handicap results for the weekend were;

1st            David Watkins

2nd          Glenn Swarbrick & Simon Alderson 

Current Handicap Points table here

The next round is at Barbagallo on Saturday 13th April, let’s see if we can put out another large group of cars to support this event and the WASCC.

2019 Formula Classic Round 1

2019 Formula Classis – Round 1

WASCC Golden Jubilee – 2nd / 3rd March

The first round of the 2019 Formula Classic season kicked off in glorious fashion at the WASCC Golden Jubileeevent with 17 entries. As usual, the field include a wide range of car ranging from early 60’s through to the early 90’s.

It was good to see two new cars joining the class for the first time, notably Andrew Nielsen’s Argo-Toms TRD and Lance Carwardine’s OMS SF/2A. Sadly the OMS didn’t make it beyond qualifying due to an engine oil problem. Similarly the Argo had problems and was retired after race 1.

It was also great to see the return of the WASCC president Russell Sewell to the Formula Classic ranks after a sabbatical for a few years with his monstrous Lola T800 Indy car. The rumbling of the V8 motor sounded fantastic as it went along the start / finish straight.

Maintaining his 2018 season form, Michael Henderson continued his domination in the opening round of the 2019 season winning all four races; however Simon Alderson and Marty Bullock were snapping at his heels all the while and kept him honest.

Harvey Leys was sporting a new vivid green colour scheme on his Tiga SC84, he ran well on day one but unfortunately did not run on the Sunday.

Outright results for the weekend were;

1st           Michael Henderson                        100 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                78 pts

3rd           Ricky virago                                        68 pts

During the off season Kevin Taylor revised the handicapping system to allow the results to be processed on the day, below are the handicap results for this round;

1st           Murray Charnley

2nd          Craig Thompson

3rd           Allan Ould

The next round is the Collie Icebreaker over the weekend of 30th / 31st March. Let’s see if we can put out a large group of cars to support this event and the Collie club.

2018 Formula Classic Presentations

Congratulations to the 2018 Formula Classic Handicap Championship podium finishers. 2018 Formula Classic Handicap Champion – Allan Ould – 2 years running!

2nd place – Glenn Swarbrick 3rd place – Craig Thompson

“Spirit of Formula Classic”  winner was deservedly – Craig Thompson Full results for 2018 can be found here.