2024 Formula Classic – Round 5

Wanneroo Park 15th June

The weather was perfect for racing, dry, sunny and mild.

Eight cars took to the track for qualifying. It was great to see Murray Charnley out in his Lotus 23 and Bruce Mitchell joining us for his first run this year in his Reynard FF2000. Bill Norman had experienced some issues at Friday’s tuning day and was still working on the car on Saturday morning trying to get ready for qualifying. He made it out for only two laps, an insufficient number to formally qualify and therefore had to start rear of the field for race 1. All other drivers qualified satisfactorily with Simon Alderson claim pole.

With Bill starting from the back of the pack, this break gave Simon enough of a gap to hold onto first place for a win of race 1. Bill was close on his heels for 2nd place with Lance Carwardine third across the line.

In an effort to improve the race day scheduling the WASCC introduced this year time allocations for each racing group rather than a prescribed number of racing laps. For race 2 FCR was allocated 15 minutes which translated to 13 laps for the lead cars. Several of the drivers commenting after race 2 on the noticeable increase in track time. Starting from the front row alongside Simon, Bill was able to take the lead of the race and hold it to the chequered flag. Bruce Mitchell made a good start and got up to 4th spot before an electrical gremlin sidelined at turn 6.

Race 3 was allocated 12 minutes track time, it was the usual suspects at the front of the field, Bruce starting from rear of the grid after his electrical woes were resolved only to end up spinning off and out of the event at turn 6. Murray pulled out of the final race too following a fall that resulted in some minor injuries whilst undertaking the self extraction test. Lance was pinged for a minor infringement on the assembly lap that saw him incur a 15 second penalty, this time penalty elevated Brian Searles to 3rd place in his Tiga Sports 2000.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Bill Norman                                                         70 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                                  65 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                            53 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st          Simon Alderson                                                     28 pts

2nd          Murray Charnley                                                   22 pts

3rd           Bill Norman                                                          16 pts

The next round of the 2024 Formula Classic season is at Collie Motorplex on one day over the weekend 17th / 18th August (whether FCR race on Saturday or Sunday is yet to be decided by the organisers).

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2024 Formula Classic – Round 3

Wanneroo Park 14th April

Just when you thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse!

Only 7 cars entered the third round of the 2024 Formula Classic Championship. Lance Carwardine withdrew on the morning with a back injury.

Qualifying was uneventful with Simon Alderson putting his Van Diemen on pole with Marty Bullock in his Chevron alongside.

Race 1 saw Simon take the win, with Marty in second place, followed by Dave Watkins in his Royale, Glenn Swarbrick and Dave Dearden. Brian Searles dropping out with engine maladies in his Tiga Sports 2000.

Race 2 culled over half of the remaining cars. Watto’s Royale developed a terminal ignition issue, Glenn ruptured a water hose and ‘cooked’ the Macon engine and Marty had a major lock up at the end of the start finish straight ending him in the sand trap.

The final race of the day saw only two cars take to the track.

The highlight of the meeting was seeing Dave Dearden take an outright second place trophy home with him. Congratulations Dave!

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Simon Alderson                                                 75 pts

2nd          David Dearden                                                  56 pts

3rd           Marty Bullock                                                    20 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st          Simon Alderson                                                      16 pts

2nd          David Dearden                                                      14 pts

3rd           David Watkins                                                       10 pts

The next round of the 2024 Formula Classic season is at Collie Motorplex on Sunday 5th May.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2024 Formula Classic – Round 2

Collie Motorplex 24th March

The second race meeting of the year was a bitter sweet event in many ways.

The Bitter

The choice of date for the event may have impacted the number of entries received being the same date as the Melbourne Grand Prix, plus several of our top running competitors were still waiting for their vehicles to return from the Phillip Island Classic following some transport issues due to bad weather.

However, the absence of some of our regular top running competitors opened the door for some of our other ‘mid field’ players to vie for top honours.

Race 1 saw Lance Carwardine put his Jane Brabham on pole position with Brian Searles alongside him in his Ralt RT1 on the front row. Some engine maladies hampered Lance allowing Brian to take the lead and hold the position until the chequered flag. (The Sweet – Brian’s first race win in over 30 years!)

Murray Charnley join us for Race 2 with his beautiful Lotus 23 following some oil tank breather issues in qualifying that were not resolved in time for Race 1.

Lance had resolved his engine issues after Race 1 and quickly took to the lead in Race 2, followed by Brian and Glenn Swarbrick. Dave Dearden, in his Vector FF1600 was struggling with third gear issues that were hampering his efforts to challenge Glenn and Brian.

Race 3 was pretty much a copy of Race 2 except for Lance starting from pole position.

Long time between drinks, one happy camper!

Natsoft outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Lance Carwardine                                            67 pts

2nd          Brian Searles                                                      65 pts

3rd           Glenn Swarbrick                                               56 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Glenn Swarbrick                                                     27 pts

2nd          Brian Searles & David Deardon                             14 pts

The next round of the 2024 Formula Classic season is at Wanneroo Park on Sunday 14th April.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2024 Formula Classic – Round 1

Wanneroo Park 3rd March

The first race meeting of the year held all kind of promises that sadly failed to deliver.

The Phillip Island Classic drew several of our top competitors away from our grid together with several other regular competitors not have their cars ready in time for the event. The Formula Ford group were in a similar yet somewhat worse position with only a handful of entrants for their event. The organisers wisely amalgamated the two groups to make a half decent field of cars.

As if this was not enough of a challenge, the weather was very hot and humid making it very uncomfortable for everyone. Compound this now with a series of medical emergencies (none race driver related) that took the medical staff away from the track and halting proceedings. The perfect storm scenario.

Eventually the meeting was abandoned around 5.00 pm with only one race run but with many frustrated drivers and helpers.

It’s not clear at the time of writing whether points, partial points or no pints will be awarded for the day.

The highlight of the day was the barbeque at Jamie’s shed after everyone packed up and the beautiful MGTC of one of our guests.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Arthur Abrahams                                             25 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                                20 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                            18 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Brian Searles                                                          14 pts

2nd          David Watkins                                                        11 pts

3rd           Glenn Swarbrick                                                     9 pts

The next round of the 2024 Formula Classic season is at Collie Motorplex on Sunday 24th March.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 10

Bob Creasy Memorial – Wanneroo Park 29th October

The season finale was a very well supported event with 17 entries, the highest number all year. It had been decided to trial rolling starts for Formula classic following the start line incident at the previous Wanneroo round where several cars were damaged.

It was good to see FCR Chairman, Marty Bullock, back on the grid with his trusty Chevron following an extended overseas trip. It was also great to see Andrew Gifford’s beautifully presented Formula Holden on the track again in its Mitre 10 livery.

Terrence Nielsen was making his first appearance for the year too in the ex-Rob Jordan Ralt RT4.

Race one was a bit of a none event following contact between Arthur Abrahams and Terrence Nielsen at turn one on lap one putting them both into the sand trap and track conditions deteriorated further with Allan Jones car catching fire. The race was red flagged and the remaining 6 laps were run behind the pace car.

With Jamie Kerkhoff on pole position for race two he made the most of controlling the rolling start pace and led into the first corner never to be overtaken. Simon Alderson was hot on his heels but couldn’t get past.

Dan Gate had forsaken his usual Ralt RT4 for the memorial event instead driving the Ralt RT1 that Bob Creasy had previously campaigned for many years. Dan finishing 4th in race two and was looking good to improve in the final run of the day.

Race 3 was the main event for the meeting being the Bob Creasy Memorial Cup. Jamie made his usual great start and was leading until his engine went of song a little and Simon was able to sneak by and claim the big prize. Dan great progress in race 2 came to naught in race 3 with a broken CV joint at the start forcing him to retire the car. It would have been so appropriate for Bob’s old RT1 to win the inaugural cup but it was not to be sadly.

A very happy Simon Alderson celebrating his win of the inaugural Bob Creasy Memorial Cup.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Jamie Kerkhoff                                                 68 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                              65 pts

3rd           Terrence Nielsen                                             48 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Lance Carwardine                                             34 pts

2nd          Jamie Kerkoff                                              31 pts

3rd           David Dreardon                                              30 pts

This is the final round of the 2023 Formula Classic season see you next year.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 9

Coalfields 500 – Collie Motorplex 30th September / 1st October

Ten cars entered the 9th round of the 2023 Formula Classic season. The Coalfields 500 was a two day event with four races for Formula Classic.

It was great to see Peter Marsh for the first time driving in Formula Classic in his Aztec AR9 F3 that he had recently acquired from Allan Ould.

It was also good to see Ray Stubber for the first time this year in his beautifully restored 1981 Van Diemen Formula Ford.

Qualifying saw the usual line up with Bill Norman on pole and Simon Alderson close behind, then followed by Lance Carwardine and Peter Marsh. Brian Searles had a problem in qualifying, breaking the alternator bracket on lap two, however some speedy repairs were undertaken with the help of Dave Dearden and the car was back in time for race 2.

The two races on Saturday were both 12 lap events, Bruce Mitchell’s Reynard FF2000 overheated towards the end of race one forcing him to retire the car before the race finished. Unfortunately he was not to return to the track that weekend following a burnt hand whilst investigating the overheating issue.

Sunday’s two events were the usual 8 laps, both in the morning, and thereby allowing us to leave the track at the lunch break and head home in daylight.

Bill dominated the weekend taking all 4 wins, similar Simon was a consistent 2nd with Lance and Peter scrapping for the final podium spot. Unfortunately Peter missed a gear change during the last race and ‘buzzed’ his engine, costly in he missed out on a possible podium spot but also possibly a large engine bill too.

At the back of the pack Craig, Glenn, Dave and Brian were having equal fun scrapping over the minor points.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Bill Norman                                                         100 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                                  80 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                            71 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st          Craig Thompson                           28 pts

2nd          Bill Norman                                                           26 pts

3rd          Peter Marsh 25 pts

The final round of the 2023 Formula Classic season is at Wanneroo Park on Sunday 29th October.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 8

Rob Janney Memorial – Wanneroo Raceway 16th September

Fourteen cars entered the 8th round of the 2023 Formula Classic season.  

Arthur Abrahams did not show up for qualifying suffering with a medical issue. Dan Gate put his Ralt RT4 on pole position with Allan Jones, Simon Alderson and others all pressing on hard trying to get close to his pace.

Race one started and ended badly, very badly, for three drivers. Dan broke a drive shaft off the line causing the field behind him to dive left and right to avoid the near stationary car at the front of the grid. John Hurney took to the grass on the infield to avoid the stricken Ralt as did Ricky Virago. Ricky’s Lola broke traction on the damp grass as he tried to return the car to the bitumen causing it to spin violently across the track and into the pit lane wall. Glenn Swarbrick, who’d made his usual brilliant start was a helpless passenger as his Macon crashed straight into the spinning Lola. Craig Thompson, who was on Glenn’s heels at that moment had nowhere else to go other than into the back of the Macon. The race was immediately red flagged whilst the carnage was tidied up. Fortunately no one was injured in the incident but the three cars involved in the incident were all badly damaged.

The race was restarted under the pace car, John Hurney had an uncharacteristic spin, during the course of the race, in his Van Diemen into the sand at the end of the start / finish straight bringing out the yellow flag in that sector. Allan Jones picking up the race win from Lance Carwardine in second spot and Andrew Gifford third.

The grid for races 2 and 3 were somewhat depleted however Dan was back with a new driveshaft fitted and he proceeded to win both the two remaining races. Allan, Simon and Lance, were all chasing him down final podium positions.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Allan Jones                                                         61 pts

2nd          Simon Alderson                                                 57 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                            52 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Daniel Gate                                                            24 pts

2nd          David Drearden & Lance Carwardine                 22 pts

The next round is at Collie Motorplex over the weekend of Saturday 30th September / Sunday 1st October.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 7

The Tyre Place Track Attack – Collie Motorplex 20th August

There were a small field of nine entrants for the seventh round of the 2023 Formula Classic season.  

Qualifying saw a close contest at the front of the field between Bill Norman and Arthur Abrahams in their Ralt RT4’s, Bill picking up pole position with Arthur a close second. Lance Carwardine qualified third in his Jane Brabham and Andrew Gifford 4th in his beautifully presented March 722. 

Sadly we lost Andrew Gifford during the course of race one with and electrical / distributor gremlin. Bill Norman led the field for the entire race from the starting light to the chequered flag drop. Arthur finished second with Lance third.

The second race looked like being a repeat of the first at the front of the field however Bill slowed significantly on the last lap allowing Arthur to overtake him for the race win. It turned out Bill had run low on fuel and was struggling to get fuel pick up at the end of the run. It was good to see Bruce Mitchell getting to grips with his Reynard FF2000 after a slow start in race finishing 5th ahead of the very tightly fort FF1600 battle between Glenn Swarbrick, Craig Thompson and Dave Dearden.

With ample fuel on-board for the final race of the day, Bill took off from second position on the front row to lead the race and to take the outright victory for the day. Arthur finishing second and Lance in third place.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Bill Norman                                                         70 pts

2nd          Arthur Abrahams                                             65 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                            54 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Bruce Mitchell                                                        27 pts

2nd          Glenn Swarbrick & Bill Norman                          24 pts

The next round is at Wanneroo Park on Saturday 16th September.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 6


This round was happily greeted by a fine but very cold, three degree Celsius morning, and although cold it certainly didn’t dampen the spirits of the 13 entrants for the meeting.

Of special note was the inclusion of Murray Charnley having entered in his Lotus 23b after a long lay-off and who also just happened to be celebrating his 88th birthday. Murray is clearly proving inspirational to us younger competitors.

Unfortunately, the repairs to our key Formula Atlantic entrants were not quite completed but the word is that they are very, very, close to being ready to roll again.

Qualifying was entertaining before it had even started. Simon, having just fitted some nice new tyres, managed a lovely pirouette warming the tyres in pit lane before even getting onto the circuit. Once on track though, it proved to be a closely run affair between Simon in his FF2000 and Allan in his RT5. Pole position was separated by just under 0.2 seconds.

The two leaders were then followed slightly further behind by Bill in his RT4 and Andrew Gifford treading gingerly in his recently repaired March 722 and then by a very tightly bunched midfield and Formula Ford group.

Jamie encountered a gremlin or two forcing him out of qualifying early but a quick once over enabled him to get onto the grid for race 1, albeit from rear of field and Bill although being quick (as usual) was unfortunately chasing a throttle / carb issue which persisted all day.

Race 1 was met with a warmer track thankfully. Bill didn’t manage to get to the grid and Jamie, although starting from the back wasn’t planning on being there for too long, hammering past the field towards the front once the lights went out.

The two leaders continued their close battle, being joined by the flying Jamie in his Argo and an increasingly confident Andrew in the March 722.

The midfielders of Lance (Brabham BT23), Harvey in his gorgeous Chevron and the persistent Ricky (Lola) were having a nice tussle and Bob Creasy in the lovely RT1 poking his nose in from time to time as well. The Formula Ford group including the birthday boy enjoying his day out in the Lotus were plugging away swapping positions regularly.

Unfortunately, Murray suffered an oil leak in the Lotus which although not stopping him completing the race did prove to be severe enough to put a stop to his day of fun.

Final positions for Race 1 were; 1st – Simon, 2nd – Allan, and 3rd – Jamie (who also managed fastest lap).

Race 2 – Bill managed to get things sorted and joined the field. Once the race started it was with a bang. Unfortunately for Jamie it was quite literally a bang with a driveline failure off the start forcing him onto the grass and enacting a safety car to clear him away safely.

During that safety car period a few liberties “might” have been taken with numerous overtakes and redressing being performed along with the penalties that go with them. I am sure there were a few lucky (and unlucky) calls given.

When the race restarted, Allan and Simon scooted away however this time being closely followed by Andrew who was impressing with very quick times – dropping nearly 3 seconds a lap over is previous efforts.

Lance and Harvey were pushing on hard with Bill snapping at their heels despite the ongoing carb problem.

The Formula Ford group were keeping each other very honest with close racing as usual. So close in fact that Glenn and Craig were within 0.1 seconds of each other on the finish line in favour of Glenn with Dave Dearden in his Vector right on their tailpipe.

Results were 1st – Allan, 2nd Andrew, and 3rd – Simon (also with the fastest lap)

Race 3 was another close race. With both Bill and Simon out of their usual position, Allan managed to break away in front. Bill got into 2nd on lap 2 followed by the fast charging Andrew in 3rd and Simon in 4th. Not to be perturbed, Simon got his head down and managed to get by Andrew on lap 4. The race continued until the inevitable catching of traffic during the closing stages were things got serious for the front runners. With no quarters given, a close affair was guaranteed with positional changes and a last corner dash on the cards, it was Simon victorious followed by Allan and Bill. There was less than a second covering the group at the finishing line.

Andrew, who must have been feeling well chuffed with his performance on the day was not far behind, consolidating on a successful outing.

The Formula Ford battle was again a continuation of the preceding races being equally as close. This time however Craig managed to overcome Glenn to the line by 0.02 seconds with Dave again staring at their exhaust.

Outright results for the meeting were;
1 Simon Alderson 68
2 Allan Jones 65
3 Andrew Gifford 54
4 Lance Carwardine 49
5 Harvey Leys 46
6 Ricky Virago 42
7 Bob Creasy 39
8 Craig Thompson 35
9 William Norman 33
10 Glenn Swarbrick 33
11 David Dearden 31
12 Jamie Kerkhoff 18
13 Murray Charnley 9

Race report prepared by Ricky Virago.

Handicap results for this round;

1st          Andrew Gifford                                                        37 pts

2nd          Allan Jones                                                             24 pts

3rd           Simon Alderson                                                     21 pts

The next round is at Collie on Saturday 20th August.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 5

WASCC June Meeting, 10th June

There was a small field of only nine cars which fronted up for the Fifth round of the Championship held at Carco.com.au  Raceway.

Qualifying took place on a slippery cold and damp track with pole position being taken by Allan Jones in his beautifully presented Ralt RT5 and closely followed by Bill Norman and Ricky Virago.

Race one took place on a drying track, Bill Norman coming in first ahead of Allan Jones, with Lance Carwardine in third place.

Rain was threatening when race two started and a few laps in a light shower occurred. Harvey Leys withdrew and Craig Thompson pitted after one lap with mechanical issues which proved to be terminal, thus ending his day. Dave Dearden lost  the nosecone of his Vector on the turn seven curbing and retired.

The race was won by Allan Jones, closely followed by Bill Norman with Lance Carwardine in third place.

Race three was on a wet track, Allan Jones took an early lead with Ricky Virago in His Lola T492 S2000 on fresh wet tyres running in second place ahead of Lance Carwardine in the Brabham who finished third.

Dave Dearden was having handling problems and retired after a short spell in the turn 6 sandtrap.

Bill Norman struggled with grip due to his wet weather tyres being concrete like in hardness.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Allan Jones                                                        70 pts

2nd          Bill Norman                                                      61 pts

3rd           Lance Carwardine                                           54 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Bob Creasy                                                           33 pts

2nd          Glenn Swarbrick                                                  28 pts

3rd           Ricky Virago                                                        14 pts

The next round is at Carco.com.au Raceway on the 1st July.

2023 Formula Classic – Round 4

Ernie Hastie Memorial – Collie Motorplex 14th May

There were a small field of entrants for the fourth round of the 2023 Formula Classic season. Sadly, many of our usual Formula Atlantic entrants were out still waiting on engine parts / repairs for their BDA’s.  

Qualifying was a very sad affair for Andrew Gifford and his March finding the wall in the “bowling alley” on the very first lap. Lance Carwardine only managed a few laps in qualifying too with a right rear puncture and Ricky Virago also only managed a few laps as well with a blocked air filter.

It was good to see Bruce Mitchell out in his Reynard FF2000, his first outing in the car for some time.

Race one saw Bill Norman on pole, the only BDA powered car running at the event, with Jamie Kerkhoff alongside him. Third was Brian Searles in his Ralt RT1. The race finishing in the same order but with Ricky Virago getting past Brian’s Ralt to claim third spot.

Race two saw Lance back on the grid with his rear tyre repaired. Despite him starting rear of the grid it didn’t take him too long to get up to third spot. The three Formula Ford drivers in our group all were having a great battle mid pack trading places along the way.

Race 3 saw Bill out front with Jamie and Lance in hot pursuit and the rest of the group following in their wake.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Bill Norman                                                         75 pts

2nd          Jamie Kerkhoff                                                 60 pts

3rd           Ricky Virago                                                        52 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Glenn Swarbrick                           28 pts

2nd          Ricky Virago                           27 pts

3rd           Bruce Mitchell                                                     21 pts

The next round is at Wanneroo Park on Saturday 10th June.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 3

100K Plate Wanneroo Park 15th April

There were a good number of entrants for the third round of the 2023 Formula Classic season. Sadly, many of our usual Formula Atlantic entrants were out waiting on engine parts / repairs for their BDA’s and as a result of their absence it made for a very different front end of the field.  

There was also the return of an immaculately prepared Formula Two March that had not been seen at the track for several seasons. It’s new owner, Andrew Gifford, being the brother of the car’s previous owner, Shane who’d had it in storage since he retired from racing. Andrew made a very good showing for his first run in the car, running on some tyres that were so old they needed to be Carbon dated.

Qualifying saw Allan Jones and Simon Alderson top the times with Harvey Leys, John Hurney and Lance Carwardine close behind them. Jamie Kerkhoff missed qualifying with an electrical gremlin but had it fixed in time for the races.

There was a long wait on the dummy grid for race 1 following a huge oil spill on the track from the previous event. The marshals doing a great job to get the mess tidied up but it took close to an hour before the track was ready again. We lost Bob Creasy’s Ralt RT1 in race one with fuel contamination issues. Allan Jones won the event from Simon Alderson and Jamie Kerkhoff.

Race 2 saw Lance Carwardine a nonstarter with a starter motor issue and Ricky Virago pulling off after one lap with carburettor issues.  Jamie Kerkhoff made a poor start and let Allan Jones and Simon Alderson pull out a small lead on him, however by the end of the race he had caught and passed Simon to claim second spot.

Race 3 saw Simon Alderson missing from the grid with a failed battery. Jamie made another poor start from the front row allowing Allan a small lead which he never relinquished, despite a few late braking moves from Jamie.

Craig Thomson and Ricky Virago were having their usual great battle in the mid field with their similarly powered Ford Pinto cars, Craig in a FF2000 Van Diemen and Ricky in a Lola S2000.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Allan Jones                                                         75 pts

2nd          Jamie Kerkhoff                                                  58 pts

3rd           Harvey Leys                                                        50 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Jamie Kerkhoff & Brian Searles                             37 pts

3rd           Harvey Leys                                                         30 pts

The next round is at Collie Motorplex on Saturday & Sunday 13th / 14th May.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 2

Icebreaker, Collie Motorplex 25th / 26th March

The second round of the 2023 Formula Classic season was a very interesting event. Formula Classic was the first qualifying session on the Saturday morning. After only a handful of laps the red flag came out and we were told the timing system wasn’t working correctly. (Bob Creasy being provisionally on pole position with a 14 second lap!!) After a while the qualifying session restarted only to find out later the timing system was still not working. After about a 3 hour delay the timing system was sorted and a reduced race programme commenced for the afternoon session.

There was a good size field of 14 cars running including three guest Formula Ford entrants. Dan Gate and Arthur Abrahams were the pace setters in the first race in their Ralt RT4’s with Jamie Kerkhoff and Lance Carwardine chasing them.

Race 2 saw Arthur spin off into the gravel ending his weekend with engine damage.

Sunday morning came with a revised race schedule. Dan retired his Ralt before the start of Sunday’s first event with engine trouble.  Two of the guest Formula Ford drivers had retired too, flying back to Melbourne for school on Monday morning! Jamie Kerkhoff retired his Toyota TRD as well with a frayed water pump belt.

To add to Collie’s woes for the weekend their PA system packed up on Sunday leaving the officials to run around getting race groups organised for their next event.

With the Formula Classic numbers depleted Lance and last remaining guest Formula Ford driver were battling it out for the day’s honours. Lance maintaining the upper hand until the final lap of the last event when his fuel pump packed up, handing the race and weekend win to Andrew Van Leeuwen.

Craig Thomson and Ricky Virago were having a great battle for third place honours in their Ford Pinto powered cars, Craig in a FF2000 Van Diemen and Ricky in a Lola S2000.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Andrew Van Leeuwen (guest)                    93 pts

2nd          Lance Carwardine                                            84 pts

3rd           Craig Thompson                                               82 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Ricky Virago                                               42 pts

2nd          Glenn Swarbrick                                             34 pts

3rd           Craig Thompson                                             28 pts

The next round is at Wanneroo Park on Saturday 15th April.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here

2023 Formula Classic – Round 1

Carco Cup, Wanneroo Raceway 5th March

The first round of the 2023 Formula Classic season was held at Wanneroo Raceway on Sunday 5th March. It was a perfect day for racing with clear blue skies and a very civilised start time of 11.00 a.m.

Thirteen cars were entered for the event and there were a couple of guest Formula Fords with us too.

In the qualifying run we saw a few different car and driver combinations, mainly due to several cars being prepared for next weekend’s big race at Phillip Island. New boy to Formula Classic, Arthur Abrahams was driving Bob Creasy’s Ralt RT4 whilst Bob had reverted to his RT1 and Dan Gate was in his March 80A.

Sadly, Bill Norman broke his CV joint at the start of the first race causing a bit of mayhem for the vehicles behind him and prompting a safety car intervention, that in itself cause some issues subsequently with time penalties being applied to several drivers for yellow flag infringements. 

Arthur won the first two races and looked set to make it a clean sweep but for an electrical issue to sideline him partway through the third race. Jamie Kerkhoff, who’d been running a strong second in the first two races swept through to win the final race of the day, his first ever win and taking the outright win for the day too.

Glen Caple returned to the track after a three year absence with his beautifully presented Birrana 274, similarly Harvey Leys returned to the track after an absence with his equally beautifully prepared Chevron B19, Harvey picking up overall 3rd place on the day.


There was one huge big smile on Jamie Kerkhoff’s face on Sunday afternoon following his inaugural outright win in the Carco Cup race.
There could have been no more deserving winner following last season’s struggle with a string of car problems that saw him sidelined more often than on the track.
Further cause for celebration too was the sub sixty second lap he managed along the way to his win.

Outright results for the meeting were;

1st           Jamie Kerkhoff                                 65 pts

2nd          Lance Carwardine                            54 pts

3rd           Harvey Leys                                        52 pts

Handicap results for this round;

1st           Harvey Leys                                           42 pts

2nd          Glenn Caple                36 pts

3rd Jamie Kerkhoff 35 pts

The next round is at Collie over the weekend of 25th / 26th March.

Full handicap results can be found here

MA State Title, WASCC & MSW results here